Direct Marketing Services
After we've implemented our Marketing From The Inside Out formula, you'll begin to see a new and continuing stream of patients. To further enhance those efforts, CMI can provide the following services:Advertisements
Be very careful when making decisions on expensive TV, print and radio advertising. This type of advertising is very risky and takes a lot of money to be truly effective. Many doctors get very enthusiastic about using this form of media only to realize they don’t have the cash to do it long enough to see the results.
There are opportunities for doctors to co-op and split the cost of these forms of advertising to promote, for example, decompression therapy. Or, they may co-op to attract personal injury patients. A word of caution here: This is a very tricky game. Marketing is never a one-shot deal. You have to be willing to test, test and test. Be sure when you are looking at comparing other doctors' success in these co-ops that their markets are similar. What works in one segment of the country may not necessarily work in yours.
After CMI helps you to determine your ad strategy, our award-winning copywriters will come up with a unique twist for your ads that communicate how your practice can provide an extraordinary experience for patients.
Welcome Books
What better way to greet new and existing patients? Welcome books are given to clients as a take-home message that communicates who you and your staff are, the services you provide and answers all of the questions a patient might have related to a variety of administrative details from staff biographies to payment methods. It's all included in one key information source created for you by CMI.
Patient Letters
From referrals to reactivations, you've got to stay in touch with your clients and CMI has a patient letters system you need to make this happen consistently.
Newsletters teach important health care messages and provide an ongoing source of contact with your clients. CMI maintains an extensive library of health care articles and we combine those resources with your personalized messages to keep the lines of communication open every month with your most important referral sources. Your clients will look forward to their monthly newsletter from you, further establishing your relationships. These publications present numerous opportunities to touch existing, former and future patients by:
- Providing a trusted source for health information.
- Staying in touch with patients to let them know you still care.
- Sending important messages about the existing and new services you have to offer.
- Creating an emotional connection with readers when you publish patient success stories.
Patient Appreciation Days
If you need to rev up your practice, a patient appreciation day is the trick. We'll provide you with step-by-step guidance on how your staff can plan a patient appreciation day. The goal is to sponsor a carnival-like day that's filled with fun, entertainment, refreshments and information about what services you provide. It's a way to get to know the people in your community, build your relationships and ultimately win new clients.
Public Relations
Public relations is another important piece of the communications pie. While marketing is focused on reaching consumers to directly sell your services, PR is all about shaping and enhancing your reputation, which ultimately also helps to sell your services.
Press releases can cover:
- Comment on a provocative news item or a hot health topic.
- Share extraordinary patient success stories.
- Explain your recent acquisitions of new technologies, skills or equipment that will benefit the patient population.
- Announce your upcoming speaking engagement for a civic or private group.
- Promote the addition of a new doctor to your staff or a merger with a physical therapy group.
Our award-winning PR writers can craft press releases that bring you closer to your targeted community. In some cases, local media will pick up on those stories from press releases and feature you and your practice in the news.
Special Promotions
Every business changes every day in slight or profound ways. The successful ones learn how to recognize and even make these changes happen.
CMI can schedule consistent monthly promotions that present opportunities to contact patients relative to particular holidays or events. You decide which holidays or events you would like to promote, and CMI will craft special promotional mailings to new or existing targeted clientele.